Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

Archive for March, 2016

Emotionally messed up days…

I rarely admit to being messed up in the head lol.  But seriously, the past few weeks have been a bit of a mess emotionally. I will admit to being angry, frustrated, and anxious.  And maybe a bit depressed.  Not really a good mixture no matter how you look at it.  I’m not sure which […]

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A little bit of gratitude

There’s a lot of chatter about “gratitude journals” and such.  I never could seem to get in the habit of purposely writing down things to be grateful for.  I dunno, it just seems a little sappy.  But some people swear by it, so who am I to judge? I saw the radiology oncologist last week […]

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About “fighting”

I have mentioned Brene Brown’s books before and highly recommend as thought provoking reading material.  In her book Daring Greatly she talks about “getting into the ring” or showing up in our own lives.  The above quote is from her most recent book.   I’ll get to the point in a minute. So this past week […]

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It’s a mental thing

So it was a tough go last week.  I wore a scarf / headband thing Wednesday morning and afternoon and then out to dinner.  It was uncomfortable because my scalp was also sore. Thursday morning, I went to the infusion center place to have blood drawn.  The nurse suggested shaving my head because it is […]

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The good, the bad, and….

Well, I don’t want to say ugly.  Too cliche. So it was a pretty fabulous weekend (the good).  I pulled the trigger and bought me a new TV (thank you Uncle Sam!) Friday afternoon after the cleaning people left.  After that, I only left the house to walk the dog and make a quick grocery […]

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