Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

The good, the bad, and….

Written By: Pam - Mar• 02•16

Well, I don’t want to say ugly.  Too cliche.

So it was a pretty fabulous weekend (the good).  I pulled the trigger and bought me a new TV (thank you Uncle Sam!) Friday afternoon after the cleaning people left.  After that, I only left the house to walk the dog and make a quick grocery run.  It was so nice to have a relaxing and peaceful weekend.

The plan was to work like a fiend this week to prepare for being out next week for Round Two of chemo.  Seemed reasonable enough.

Then during my shower Monday morning, I noticed more hair than usual coming out.  Uh oh.  I knew my hair would fall out but I was NOT expecting it to happen so soon (the bad).  Totally freaked me out.  I have been in a funk for two days.  And yeah, it’s getting worse.

I know I wasn’t prepared mentally for this and I have to tell you I was totally depressed to wash my hair in the shower this morning.  I dread tomorrow morning already.

Yes, this is completely distressing TO ME.  The next female who says something like “but it will grow back!” will get this in reply:

“If it is no big deal, then shave you head on purpose and join me in forced baldness for the next 8 months”.  Doubt there will be any takers.

But…but…I do have a night out (dinner) planned for tomorrow night.  I plan on trying out one of my new head scarf things to get used to the idea.  As much as it pains me.

And…and…various people have been telling me over the years that I should write a book.  Hmmm…I think there might one in my head now about this entire awful experience.  And it’s hardly even begun.  Stay tuned, ya never know.  🙂


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  1. Kim says:

    Damn. That hair thing was quick. Other than that, I got nothin’…except a cyber hug. I’ll bet you could use one…

  2. furbal1972 says:

    I can relate to the hair thing, lol But mine is a slower, more permanent loss. Mine ain’t growing back!

    Um, I have also been told the book thing, but I wouldn’t know where to begin. (As I don’t plan on forecasting an end to my story, happy or otherwise.)

    Enjoy dinner! 😀 **Hugs**
    (Can I have your old TV? .. jk)

    • Pam says:

      Sometimes the only way to begin is just to….begin. Somewhere.

      Just remember that it is far more socially acceptable for men to be bald than women.

      Sure, you can have the old TV if you don’t mind black lines going through people’s faces. Oh, and you’ll have to come to Orlando to pick it up 😀

  3. Larry says:

    A good friend of mine picked his chemo period to write a book he calls – “My Glow Days” – with a not-so-subtle nod to the radiation aspect. It’s a collection of stories rather than a huge “chapter book” – as the kid’s call it. Therapeutic for him; and eye-opening for others. It’s a pretty simple process to create and even publish for next to nothing. Email me for more info if that’s appealing.

    Aside from that – I read blog every entry but rarely comment – anything I could say would ring hollow. However, you do have good thoughts lined up in the Universe from folks like me.



    • Pam says:

      I was wondering if you disappeared! Thank you for those good thoughts…..

      The concept in my head is also a collection, rather than a long chapter kind of book. I have a “list” of possible topics; I jot them down as they pop into my head. And yes, it is totally therapeutic.

      • Larry says:

        well if you want to publish it, I use a pretty simple and cheap site that I would certainly recommend. Or if you just want a second pair of eyes to look at it – i’d be happy to. Something small maybe that would help out.

        By the way – you mentioned the “cleaning crew” – God don’t you love that! I mean once you get past “there are strangers in my house…are they going to do things the way I like?” – it’s just unbelievable to stress that relieves. And how nice it is to just relax without that nagging sensation of “house work.”

        • Pam says:

          I will let you know once it leaves my head and gets onto paper.

          It was hard to get past the other people in my sh*t thing but there has been so much of it going on that I have sort of gotten over it. It did bother me that they were here for three hours….is that a reflection on how filthy my house was? 😀 I consider it to be a gift to myself for going through all this stress and aggravation.

          • Larry says:

            3 hours!! Holy Cow! Are you just unschooled in the works of such masters as Messrs. Clorox, Clean, or Fabuloso!? LOL – girl, you make me laugh. I do remember the first time I had an appointment with my “crew” – I think I actually cleaned pretty well everything BEFORE they showed up. But I’ve had the same set of ladies now since ’09 so they’re almost like family members now.

            And lucky for me – very discrete. I’ve had a few items laying around accidentally that, well, shouldn’t belong to me exactly. They never commented or mentioned said items, but I did find a little pink something or other folded neatly next to the bed one time.

            Note to self – remember to pick up after playtime…

          • Pam says:

            Ah….but remember my life had been chaos since some time in December with medical procedures, doctor visits, two surgeries, a round a chemo, and travel to PA for Christmas. Who has time to clean window blinds and ceiling fans?

            Play time? Not sure I remember what that is….

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