Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

You are important to someone…

Written By: Pam - Sep• 23•19

Wasn’t sure what to title this post which is really more of a ramble than most.  Ha!

So, not sure where I left off in the house saga.  Perhaps I was hopeful that I would be living in the new house by now.  The date was pushed back so many times, it’s hard to remember.

Somewhere in mid August, the footers were dug which was pretty dang exciting.  I noticed the garage area (which is to the rear of the house in this pic…you can’t see it) didn’t leave a lot of room to back out and turn around before going down to the street.

So the builder asked to meet at the property.  Seemed odd that he was anxious to meet that day but whatever.  After a little chit chat about footers and such I asked when the modular units would be delivered.  Well, guess what, apparently the date was some awful time like the end of October or something (I was never actually told the date).

The builder said he decided to stick build a house instead.  He said he could do it in 90 day for the SAME PRICE.  I know, it makes no sense.  I know, it’s weird. I know.  But I wasn’t really given a choice and to be honest, I am getting a better deal – a semi custom home for the price of an off frame modular.  The downside is I am stuck in this tiny apartment until mid December.

But, much progress has been made.  The pic above was taken last Wednesday and more framing has since been completed.  Now if only the momentum continues.

Believe it or not, the house situation is actually part of the reason for the importance part of this post.  You see, all along, all I wanted was to feel like SOMEONE in the process found this project to be IMPORTANT, as in important enough to make it a priority.  That is all.  It kept feeling like it was being pushed aside for other people’s stuff and it was maddening.

On the personal side, there is another story.  Years ago, maybe 6 or 7 possibly more, I met a guy from a “dating site”.  Seemed like a nice enough guy.  We met once or twice but he lived over 2 hours away and was busy with work. Blah, blah, blah.  Every now and again I would hear from him by email but nothing ever came of it.

And then cancer hit so there was to be no meeting anyone for anything that entire year.  I may have ignored him once or twice or something, hard to say.

Around the end of June, I suddenly hear from him again after well over 2 years of silence.  I know.  I then remembered that he either lives in Charlotte or travels to Charlotte for work.  He said he was going to be heading to my area in the next week or so and wanted to know if we could meet.  Sure, what the heck.  The last email I sent was on maybe Wednesday or Thursday and he was going to be in the area that Friday.

Well, Friday came and went.  Saturday and Sunday did, too.  Dead silence.

I was irritated by it, but not really angry.  Irritated because I mentally set aside at least some part of Friday to see someone I hadn’t seen for years.  Waiting and wondering doesn’t sit well with me.

But then I moved along with life – lots happened in July with another friend in town for the month, hiking, house drama, and events around town.

Some time in August, around 6 WEEKS later, he sends an email saying he was “sorry” but he was helping his mom with some health issues and “forgot” about the trip to Charlotte.  Forgot?  A business trip?  Seriously?

Of course, that also means he forgot about getting together.  You know, as in he forgot me.  Now, maybe you can figure out a way to spin that so that it doesn’t sting, but I can’t.  So I ignored him – partially because I didn’t want to rant and partially because there were other things occupying my brain.

And then he emailed again or less demanding that I let him know when we can meet.

Well, buddy, I already did that but you FORGOT.  Exactly how many men would want to meet a woman a second time after she forgot the first time?  None, unless they were desperate.  And I am not a desperate woman.

There was a time not so long ago, that I would have caved and just felt grateful to hear from him again.  I would have put him first and my feelings third or fourth or fifth.  But I think I’ve gotten past that now.

But both of these “events” over the past month or so made me realize how important it is to make the people in our lives feel important.  Feel seen and heard.  Feel like they matter.

Not just friends, family, and significant others.  I also mean people you work with or see on a daily basis.  It may be the single best way to win customers but that’s entirely different post.

How happy do you feel when you go into a store or restaurant and feel recognized.  Welcomed.  Like your patronage matters.

How nice is it when the person you are supposed to meet shows up – and is ON TIME.  Or maybe does a favor just because.  Or remembers your birthday.  Or when someone you met before remembers your name.  It makes you feel like you matter.

And that is all I ask.  End rant.

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