Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

Dream Crushers….

Written By: Pam - Aug• 05•19


So it’s been a while, I know.  Just haven’t felt like writing I guess.  Or something like that.

Things are plugging along slowly here.  In case you haven’t been counting – and I have been, trust me – it will soon be 6 months since I fled Florida and moved to the mountains.   Six months of living in this tiny apartment….it’s beginning to really get on my nerves.

But the good news is they FINALLY started to clear the lot just over a week ago.  Still no definite date for delivery of the modular units but I expect that will happen in the next week or two.  Possibly. Hard to say because I think the contractor may no longer be speaking to me.  Well, not really, but it seems that way.  If things go smoothly from this point forward, I still plan to be in the house by the end of September.

So, this photo was taken Friday afternoon from roughly where the front porch will be on the house.  It’s at the top of the hill, the top of the property, and at the actual end of the road.  The closest neighbor is to the right of the car…at the bottom of the hill on top of which I am standing.

And, the car in the photo is my “new” used car.  I finally decided to go practical and trade in the convertible.  While it was fun to drive a convertible in the mountains, it wasn’t going to be fun to drive it in the winter.

Anywho, Dream Crushers.  Do you know one?  ARE you one?

I think I grew up in a family of Dream Crushers.  My brother still is one and I think he is haunted by all the crushing that happened in our childhood years.

I don’t think most Dream Crushers are that way on purpose.  I usually crush my own quite well – usually before the dream ever becomes known to anyone else.  But I suppose I have also done it to other people.  It’s related to my extra strong sense of practicality, or at least that sounds really good.

But most of them just play on our weaknesses.  Or on our own self doubt, of which I have plenty.  As do most folks.

A friend of mine was visiting from Orlando the entire month of July.  She rented a place a couple of miles from Hendersonville and we spent some time together, mostly on the weekends.  We aren’t close friends, but she was very supportive during the Year of Cancer and provided transportation several times.

When she found out I planned to move here, she said she had been thinking about it as well.  So her visit was to see whether or not she would like it enough to LIVE here.  While she originally thought Asheville would be the place, she figured out there is a lot of traffic and tourists there. Hendersonville is a much smaller town that is far easier to navigate.

She has multiple “reasons” to not make the move, some logical some not.  Or at least not logical to me.  I means seriously, to say there are “old people” here when you are 65 and retired is not really a logical reason.  But anyway….

She made several comments about how the house would be too far “out in the country” and that I would be “too isolated” because I seem to enjoy living in town.  Um, no.  The house is 2 or 3 miles from “town” and it is in a neighborhood complete with an HOA.  How isolated can that be? I finally said “that is YOUR issue, not mine.  I crave it.”

And the car.  It’s manual transmission which is odd these days but it was the cheaper version of a good car meaning it was affordable AND I happen to think driving a manual transmission car is fun.  She said that I was being, I dunno….stupid?….because there are lots of hills here.

I did a lot of eye rolling in July.

And then I drove that stick shift car up the hill to where things are peaceful and quiet and my heart was happy.  While I might be fun to live in town for a while, I will NOT miss the fire trucks and ambulances, the trash trucks, the loud cars, the neighbor stomping around upstairs, or the music from the neighbor downstairs. Not.At.All.

Don’t listen to the Dream Crushers.  Follow your heart and do what is right for YOU.  Live your life as you see fit. Find your happy place and make yourself at home.

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