Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

Intuition, coincidence or synchronicity?

Written By: Pam - Mar• 31•19

I’ll start with a bit of a disclaimer.  I rarely talk about religion because it can be such a hot button issue for some folks.  I prefer to think of “religion” as “spirituality”.  I don’t care what, if any, religion people believe in as long as they are decent and kind to others.  ‘Nuff said.

Over the past many years, I have noticed some “strange” things that seem to happen.  Not sure I can really explain most of what has happened, maybe others wouldn’t even have noticed.  Or thought there was any sort of connection.  Or maybe I’m just a little crazy.

One of the most memorable events was something I wrote about before (I think) way back in the Year of Cancer, 2016.  The power went out and the electric company repair guy noticed by bald head and asked where I was in treatment.  This was at 5 AM on a very hot and humid morning when standing in the backyard of the house, not exactly when you think a total stranger is going to ask about your health. It was an odd conversation but one that, at the time, seemed perfectly normal.

The memory still gives me chills. My neighbor was convinced the repair guy was an angel.  Perhaps.

I actually DO believe we come into contact with some, not all, people for a reason.  Have you ever met someone at the grocery store who made or laugh or smile when you were having a particularly bad day?  That’s sort of what I’m talking about.

Over the years, I have met people in some unusual ways who have made a difference in my life in one way or another.  Was it a coincidence or is something else at play here?

I’ve been thinking about this for the past week or so, for reasons I’ll soon tell you about, so I started to read some books (of course!).  It seems there are two schools of thought on the whole intuition / coincidence thing.

The scientific folks talk about how our subconscious mind processes information we don’t think about or realize.  I can agree with that.  But that doesn’t explain some of the coincidences that have nothing to do with the subconscious.

The religious folks believe God is sending signals or directing our daily lives.  Possibly, as long as you believe in God.  But that doesn’t really explain what I’ve been experiencing either.

Some other spiritual folks believe the Universe has a “vibration” and that we are all connected.  I’m leaning toward this theory which is really just a different version of the religious / God theory.  I DO believe in karma.

Anyway, here are some of the weird things I’m talking about.  I might have to start writing more of these down to keep track.

A couple of weeks ago, I was trying to get in touch with an attorney at work to talk about a file.  I don’t work with this guy very much and don’t really care for him all that much.  He sent an email that more or less said he would call me that day. The thought popped in my head “I bet he will call at 7 PM”.  He called and left a voice mail at…..7:01 PM.  No lie.  I told my manager about that he said “that’s really weird”.  No kidding.

Moving to a new state meant a new drivers license and new license tag.  That’s right, two trips to the dreaded DMV.  A new drivers license was first so one random afternoon I just decided to go.  There were only a couple of people in the waiting area which seemed odd.

You have to take a number to get called and the number is determined by what you are there to accomplish.  I walked up to the kiosk to get a number, touched the screen to turn it on, and a number popped out.  I was called about 10 minutes later for what the guy thought was to pay a fine.  Nope.  When is the last time you were in and out of the DMV in under 30 minutes?

Next up was getting a new license tag.  The thought popped in my head to go after lunch on a Friday.  I was first in line.  FIRST.  Within minutes the line was almost out the door.  I had a new tag under 15 minutes.

Was it just luck or was it something else?  Was something else making that little voice in my head tell me to GO and GO NOW to get those dreaded errands taken care of?

Last week I had issues with the cable connection, but only on one of the televisions.  It was all very bizarre.  The cable people couldn’t figure it out and suggested I exchange the cable box for a new one.  It didn’t fix the problem.  I was clicking all sorts of options to get it figured out until the cable company decided to send out a technician, but I would have to wait two days.

The following day, I woke up and that little voice in my head was telling me to turn on the TV.  Just turn it on!  And sure enough, it was working perfectly.  I still can’t explain that one – none of it – not why it suddenly started working or why my brain thought (or knew?) it was fixed.

And finally, the weirdest one of all.  Many years ago, I started keeping track of dreams just for the fun of it.  The patterns that emerge can be interesting.  In a lot of ways, dreams are our subconscious trying to work out problems.  I tend to think of recurring dreams as issues that need to be resolved, in a general sense.

Have you ever heard the old wives tale that dreaming about pregnancy means someone is going to die and dreaming about death means someone is pregnant?  No?  Work with me here!

So a couple of weeks ago, I had pregnancy dreams two nights in a row.  In one of them, I was the actual pregnant person which is pretty hysterical.  I forget who was pregnant in the second dream.  The odd part is pregnancy dreams are not a usual thing for me, so I started to think about that old wives tale.  Yeah, not good thoughts.

Well, a lady I know through an online cancer support group was in the hospital around that time going through major surgery as more or less a last ditch effort to get rid of the recurring cancer she has been dealing with for 6 years.

Turns out she went into a-fib shortly after surgery and, well, was in rough shape for a few days.  Made me think about those pregnancy dreams and have to say it was a bit freaky.

Coincidence really won’t explain these things and neither will spirituality.  I’m going to start researching synchronicity next.  Just because it is weirdly fascinating.


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