Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

That whole Universe thing…

Written By: Pam - Mar• 19•17

I can’t seem to find a quote that fits so you are stuck with a flower pic from today’s stroll through the gardens.  Yes, I was sorta practicing with my camera – which I hadn’t used for at least a year – for the upcoming vacation.

Anyway, where was I?  Oh yeah, the Universe.  There is some quote somewhere about the Universe providing what you ask for, or something like that.  I’ve heard it but only sort of believed it.  And then….

If you have been around here for any length of time, you might remember my many rants about losing my hair after chemo last year.  It’s still a hot button issue for me.  It just is.

When my hair started to grow back, it was mostly gray.  I knew it was going to be gray but I had been coloring it for so long that I had no idea how MUCH of it was gray.  And then it turned curly.  Thick, gray, and curly like a big ole Brillo pad on top of my head.  I was not real happy about that.  At all.

So my hairdresser tried blond highlights while I mulled things over.  She said I would know when we hit on the right cut and color when people would give compliments.  That may be the case in a normal situation, but when you go from bald to having hair people hand out compliments like candy just to make a person “feel better”.  It’s very hard to tell when the compliment is sincere.

The last color job when full platinum blond with some leftover gray highlights.  I decided to embrace the curly part and mostly decided I liked the color.  I was in the grocery store about a week later looking at hair “goop”, trying to figure out if it was the one that was on clearance, when this lady came up behind me and said “you don’t need to use that, your hair is beautiful”.

She was a random stranger, I had never seen her before.  She had no idea I was in the midst of regrowing hair from scratch.  So I thanked her and told her I was looking at goop to use because my hair “grew back curly” and she looked really surprised and said “oh, you had cancer!”.  Yes indeed.

Never doubt the impact of a sincere compliment.  It made my day.

Work had been so very busy since November, sometimes overwhelmingly so, and then it was like everything came to a halt about 2 weeks ago.  Normally, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal but my paycheck is directly linked to the amount of work I produce. So…little work = little pay.

At first I was stressed about this but I decided to just ride it out and enjoy the slower pace.  And then last Thursday and Friday happened.  A person quit (or was fired, hard to know) so some work was transferred and a boatload of new claims came in.  I was about giddy lol.

And then it came to me…the Universe responded to my mental plea for work (read that as “income”) much as the Universe responded to my quiet angst about the hair situation.

Perhaps there is something to this whole Universe thing after all.  We just need to learn how to listen.

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