Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

And so I decided…

Written By: Pam - Oct• 02•16


Decided what, you ask?  Well, I think I have decided to go ahead with trying to write a book of some sort.  Yes, indeed.  I figure the challenge will be writing it, not sure about the publishing part.  It’s pretty easy to publish an e-book on Amazon these days. We’ll see.

I started keeping a written journal during the cancer journey.  I thought I started it pretty early on, but the first date is actually March 3 which is about 3 months after the initial diagnoses.

Luckily, I had been writing on here about the events of those three months so part of the book is already sort of started.   The not so lucky part for you is that you will have to re-read stuff you already saw.  If you decide to actually buy the book after I decide to actually publish it.

I am on a sort of creative roll right now.  Finished an afghan, started a new one that will be much more difficult and involved, decided to knit infinity scarves for Christmas gifts, have two mosaic projects waiting to be grouted (it’s too hot to do that outside), and now the book thing.  Work is getting in the way!

Speaking of work, I am back mostly full time now and meh, still sucks like before but I am poor so there really isn’t a choice.  Still trying to figure out a plan to not be poor, but it might be after the first of the year until the plan can be executed.

In the meantime, there is a trip to Naples coming up in a month or so. I told my manager that I would need to get away for a long weekend somewhere if the cancer treatment worked.  I thought a weekend in Naples on the beach would be nice so the two of us could actually meet.  It’s true, I have never met my manager in person.  She was on board and so a plan was hatched.

Turns out an attorney I work with has a relative who works at the Ritz Carlton in Naples so he can get the “friends and family” rate for the room…otherwise I would be staying at Motel 6 lol.  The same attorney said she wanted to pay for an afternoon spa session for me and my manager who will be turning 50 later on this week.  So we will be having a spa treatment Sunday afternoon at the Ritz.  Ahh…..

I still have one tiny hump to get over later on this month – the follow up CT scan to be sure the tiny spot on my lung hasn’t changed from the prior scan.

And then….I reconnected with a guy I met a couple of years ago “elsewhere” 😉 who moved to Santa Barbara a couple of years ago and we lost touch.  I sent him a text to wish him a happy birthday a couple of weeks ago and found out he is now in Las Vegas.  There is an invitation to go to Vegas if the results of the scan are good.

Keeping fingers crossed.

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