Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

Where does the time go?

Written By: Pam - May• 29•16


How can it almost be June already?  The days left in my 51st year are rapidly dwindling.

So I didn’t post anything here last weekend and there are reasons for that.  No, I was not out doing wonderful and exciting things.  Not anything close to that.  I was feeling crappy and grumpy and figured no one wanted to hear the whining.

As of now, I have 7 radiation treatments left (out of 25).  The end of this round of treatment cannot come soon enough.  I have felt sick, for at least part of the day, every day since early May.  Yes, an entire month of feeling unwell can bring a person down.  And then the fatigue set in last week.  And the blood test results were less than stellar meaning precautions had to be taken to avoid getting sick.  There was some discussion last Monday about starting to get a shot every day to stimulate the bone marrow to produce white blood cells but, amazingly enough, the numbers rebounded by Thursday morning.  So it was a somewhat “trying” week.

I think I have whined and complained more about radiation than chemo.  I think most folks thought I was making a bigger deal out of it than I should have – after all, I “looked healthy”.   Whatever.

Sleeping has become my favorite pastime.  🙂

On the upside, though, the stomach issues improved last week and somewhat leveled out.  Sure beats getting worse!

The three day weekend came at the exact perfect time.  Not only did it give me  a break from treatment, I was able to get enough rest so I could run some errands AND complete continuing education requirements that needed to be done by the end of June.

Oh, and I haven’t worn a hat – aside from when I walk the dog to protect my scalp from getting sunburned – anywhere for the past two weeks.  Now the issue is less lack of hair than it is the fact the short hair is mostly gray.  🙁  I have been coloring my hair for years because I could NOT accept the fact that I was “old enough” for gray hair.  No place to hide now!

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One Comment

  1. Kim says:

    Time flies like the wind,,,fruit flies like bananas. It’s good that your perceiving treatment time as going quickly. It still sucks, but it’s better than days dragging butt. And…make as big of a deal out of all of this as you want. Until other people walk a mile with short gray hair and no hat, who are they to judge. Pet Chance for me…give yourself a hug for me too. 🙂

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