Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

Counting the days…

Written By: Pam - May• 08•16


So the waiting is over, sort of.

I got the call last Monday afternoon from the hospital that the radiation plan was approved and they could start Wednesday afternoon.  Thank goodness.

The first thing I did was count down the days on a calendar.  The second thing I did was start looking for flights to Pennsylvania.  Yup, I do believe there is a long weekend vacation of sorts in the future.  I so needed something to look forward to!

Three sessions down, twenty two to go.  The treatment itself takes less than 10 minutes so really it’s a giant pain in the you know what.  The part that takes the longest is getting properly positioned so the radiation goes to the right place.  Then they take a series of x-rays to be sure everything is positioned correctly and then the treatment starts.  All this while lying on a metal table while semi clothed in a chilly room while having to pee.   Such a joy!

Last week I had to take the appointments that were available in the morning until things got settled (the remaining appointments are at 8:15 or 8:30 AM) meaning Friday’s appointment was at 10 AM.  I decided to take advantage of the spectacular weather and the fact that I still felt pretty good and head out to the gardens after the treatment.  I sort of thought I might go back to work in the afternoon….but that did not happen.

2016-04-05 12.11.32

This pic was taken from the “overlook” area at the garden place. Can you find the heron?  🙂  The building in the background with the spike tower thing is the hospital where I had the two surgeries and also where I go to the oncologist.

The next four or so weeks will be filled with appointments – radiation every day, see the radiology oncologist every Tuesday, blood work every Thursday, and another appointment with the oncologist two weeks from tomorrow.  It makes me tired thinking about it.  The chemo nurse assured me it will “go quick” and I hope she’s right.

I have already started feeling a bit “off” after treatment and that has me a bit concerned.  There is likely a cumulative effect so if things are feeling wonky now, how bad will it be by treatment #25?  Sigh….

BUT….I booked a flight and I plan to get the heck out of here for a few days on June 16 – a week before my birthday.  Some times it’s just a good thing to go to a different place to get your mind off of things.

That’s the plan anyway.

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