Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

Wait for it…

Written By: Pam - May• 01•16

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It has been a week of waiting.  I am beginning to hone my patience skills.

Last Monday was actually the best day of the week.  It was Chance’s “anniversary” at doggy daycare so I baked cupcakes and bought specially doggy cookies for him and his “best girl”.  He and Kahlua have been an item for six years now which is longer than some marriages last.  😀  They had an impromptu party for the happy couple and then made a picture collage for me.


The picture in the middle at at the top is actually of the card and cookies I bought.  Yup, I am just that weird.

I worked half a day and then headed off to the “Look Good Feel Better” shindig sponsored by the American Cancer Society.  It is a 2 hour program with licensed cosmetologists for women who have skin changes or hair loss due to cancer.  I had been looking forward to the afternoon for a couple of months.

It was sort of an odd mix of women.  Some said not a word.  Others looked shell shocked or like they didn’t really want to be there.  It was a pleasant enough afternoon but it would have been far more fun if there had been more interaction.   I did manage to achieve a goal – for the first time, I took my hat off to “be bald” in a group setting.  Just another baby step toward feeling less self conscious.

I came home to find out the internet was still “out” at home.  It had gone down around lunch time but I figured it would be fixed some time in the afternoon.  Nope.

I was still down Tuesday morning.  I went to the library to try to work and let me tell you…libraries are so not what they used to be.  There was no quiet there.  It was more like a bookstore than a library and honestly, I think I have been to quieter bookstores.  So I went home to wait for the internet to get fixed.

It was still down Wednesday morning so I went to a different library to at least check my work email.  And then I just gave up for the day, ate lunch, and went home to wait for things to get fixed.  Finally, around 4 PM on Wednesday, the wait was over.

Almost two weeks ago, I had a CT scan done for “mapping” of the radiation plan.  I have been waiting ever since then to actually START radiation.  I called Tuesday (nothing else to do with no internet or television) and talked to the nice people at the insurance company.  The authorization was pending, I would just have to wait a few more days.

I called again on Friday and as best I could understand the barely English speaking person, I think the plan has been approved.  So now I just have to wait – again – for the bureaucracy at the hospital to get things scheduled.

All this waiting is just annoying.  I HAVE PLANS TO MAKE!  lol But really, I want to keep things moving – the sooner the next phase gets started, the sooner it will be done.

On the upside, I did manage to start two mosaic pieces which are now WAITING for me to grout and finish.  Perhaps I should stop procrastinating and get moving.

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  1. Kim says:

    Congrats to the happy dog couple! I hope Chance’s “inlaws” are equally supportive of the relationship. :))

    The best part of this post was that, for the most part, it sounded just like ones you made before…one of your “regular life” posts. Sounds as if you’ve gotten back into a daily living routine…despite the waiting for your unexpected detour to end…and keeping a good attitude in the mean time. Hats off…literally and figuratively…to you!

    • Pam says:

      I believe Kahlua’s mom asked for a photo collage as well. lol

      It was a mostly regular life post, one I was happy to write instead of the gloom and doom posts that have been written for the past couple of months. The upside is the waiting is over…radiation starts today, in just about 45 minutes. So we are off again on the Treatment Train. 🙂

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