Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

Sometimes it’s the little things…

Written By: Pam - Feb• 25•16


So my sister in law went back home yesterday.  While it was great to have company for Round One, it was just a great to get my house back again.  I almost didn’t know what to do first last night.

Today was the first round of blood tests post chemo.  There is sort of a lot riding on how my body reacts to the drugs – if my immune system becomes too compromised they might have to change the dosage.  That happened to my mom.  She became so sick after chemo her doctor had to reduce the dosage of drugs which meant the cancer could not be stopped.

The good news is, the “numbers” are where they are supposed to be.  It was a good start to the day.  A really good start.

I have managed to get mostly caught up at work.  Also very good news.  My energy level is back up to near normal and I physically feel 100% again.

And….the best news of all?  I finally pulled the trigger on hiring a cleaning company to clean the house.  For whatever reason, this was harder than hiring the pool guy but I decided today to think of it as a treat to myself.  Just one less thing to have to think about.

So the cleaning people said they could start March 10 for biweekly service.  All good.  She asked if I wanted to have the house cleaned BEFORE that.  Yes, I would.  So they will be here tomorrow.

I cannot tell you how excited I am about this!  And…how excited I am that I am excited about something again!

The house has not been cleaned since early January before my brother arrived.  Since then, I have gone through two surgeries and one round of chemo, all with recovery periods.  I am ready for a break.

So the thought of a weekend with no plans, no company, no anxiety and stress to prepare for some procedure or other, no nothing…while sitting in a clean house is thrilling beyond words.  I might have to cry after they leave tomorrow.

These little things don’t sound like a lot but I am taking whatever good stuff I can and treasuring every moment of it.  I know there is more “less than good” to come in the next few weeks but for now…a relaxing weekend while not feeling like crap is pretty darn wonderful.

Don’t ever forget to appreciate whatever good things are going on in your life.  Treasure every single one of them.

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  1. Greg Bowling says:

    Have a great, relaxing weekend, Pam. You deserve it, enjoy!

  2. Kim says:

    I envy having someone to clean for you. Too much dust here. I’d just need someone to vacuum Frank 10 times a day… :))

    Sounds like you had a good week. One down, and there will be more. 🙂

    • Pam says:

      They were here for THREE HOURS on Friday! I felt like a total and complete slob lol. It was a long three hours, was happy when they left but it was pretty awesome to have a clean house again. Next week should also be a “healthy” week though I do plan to work full days to prepare for being out the following week.

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