Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

One down and five plus more to go

Written By: Pam - Feb• 22•16


Well, shoot, that is awfully small print.  😉

So where were we?  Oh yeah, chemo last week.  SIL arrived Saturday early afternoon and we actually had a rather enjoyable weekend including a shopping trip on Sunday and an afternoon at a local garden place on Monday.     And then there was Tuesday morning.

The best part of the day was that the location for chemo was changed to the hospital near my house.   It was somewhat unexpected but a complete relief.

At the last doctor appointment, I was promised “patient education” which I stupidly thought would happen before showing up for treatment.  Um, no.  The physician assistant who runs the infusion center met with us to explain some things.  And again, I was thrown for a loop.

Turns out I must have had a mental block after hearing the cancer stage and need for chemo – I blocked out the AMOUNT of chemo treatment.  I had accepted two rounds of chemo with a couple of weeks of radiation but had NOT accepted SIX rounds of chemo with SIX weeks of radiation.  That means something like six months of treatment total.  I could have cried.  SIL almost fell off her chair.  And that was how the first round of chemo started.

The day itself went rather well after that – seven hours in a recliner with an IV.  The staff was pretty great and would bring me snacks or water and generally left me alone.  Of course, I’m just trying to figure out how the heck I am going to manage six months of….crap.  It is overwhelming beyond measure.

I felt pretty good on Wednesday (likely from the steroids they were pumping into me on Tuesday) and then crashed on Thursday.  The fatigue was pretty bad though I remained thankful for fatigue being the major side effect.  I still tire very easily which I find to be very frustrating.

SIL will return home on Wednesday (weather gods willing) and then will come back for Round #3 of chemo the end of March.  I am going to try to power through Round #2 by myself in two weeks.  The effects are cumulative so there is a good chance of either worse fatigue or other side effects.  Yay.

Have to admit it has been nice to have company throughout this ordeal but I am, again, ready to have my space back.  So.Very.Ready.  Things have gone better than expected with SIL, she likes alone time, too and that works quite well.

I already spoke with my manager and decided to cut back my hours at work to part time.  There is simply no other way to make this work.  I cannot handle the stress of working anywhere near full time and my #1 priority now is getting healthy again.

And so we keep moving forward, mainly because there is really no other choice.   I remain thankful and grateful for the support of family and friends but I long to fade into obscure boredom again.

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  1. Kim says:

    Fade into obscure boredom again…I hear ya. Sucks to have the boat rocked when all you want to do is calmly float. I know my current challenge is much less urgent than yours, but you get to a point when you think you’ll have smooth sailing and BAM! Another storm churns your life and tosses you overboard…and, in your case, swimming like crazy just trying to keep your head above water. That kind of stress is a real bitch…especially when it shows up suddenly and unexpectedly and boots you over the edge. Who knew boredom would be the life preserver we’d want to hang on to…

    • Pam says:

      I remember a time when I complained about a boring life and now…. Perhaps it is like a grass is greener thing. It seems like every time I absorb bad news, there is more to come. In some ways, it might be a weird blessing to have gotten it in doses. Or something like that. I think a schedule of sorts is starting to emerge which will be helpful. I can work with a schedule, it is the not knowing what will happen – or when – that makes things more difficult

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