Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

Moving forward….

Written By: Pam - Jan• 24•16


It was a strange week.  While it started out pretty awful, there were some good days.  I feel like the ship has been righted again…at least for a while.

As for the quote above, I am now a believer…at least for now.  After feeling totally devastated on Monday and then allowing myself to wallow in self pity on Tuesday, I tried to figure out what parts of any of this mess I could control.  That’s what anal retentive control freaks do.

I bought a book about nutrition for cancer survivors and I’m working my way through it.  Will likely ask for a referral to a nutritionist.

I requested a referral to a social worker in the hospital’s cancer hospital.

I spoke with the nurse practitioner who essentially saved my life.  She has been through chemo for breast cancer and has been a source of inspiration and solid advice.  She recommended I start putting together my “team” – medical and personal – now before the chaos starts.  The medical team will be a challenge but I started working on the personal team.  There are just certain people who will be more welcome on this journey than others.

I had dinner with some friends Friday night.  It capped off the week on a positive note.

I read somewhere that the place where you get the poison tends to be cool so it is recommended that you bring a blanket.  So I decided to crochet myself a lap afghan like I made for my nephew’s wedding gift.  This one will be of a butterfly in honor of my alter ego / stripper name Butterfly Bush.  😀

And finally, I asked my hairdresser to cut off most of my hair and do a new color.  Figure it might be easier to deal with shorter hair falling out than longer hair.  It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be, I tried to think of it as a positive thing.  Sort of like a makeover for morbid reasons.

So tomorrow I go back to work officially.  According to my manager, things should be relatively caught up but it will still be hard to get mentally back into work mode.  It’s going to be a bit tricky because I have no idea what will happen in three or four weeks when the bad stuff starts to happen.  But I can’t think about that right now.

Taking it one day at a time because there is no other choice.

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