Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

So far so good…

Written By: Pam - Jan• 09•16

So I survived the surgery which went better than expected.  But let’s back up a bit…

At some point last Monday, I sort of started looking forward to surgery.  Hard to explain but it was like I had gone through a series of challenges and the prize (of sorts) was going to be getting rid of the thing that was making my head crazy.  By Tuesday, I decided to name my uterus (Ursula, by the way) so it would be like getting rid of a toxic friend.  A coping mechanism of sorts.

My brother arrived as scheduled and we spent Wednesday evening getting ready as best we could.  Neither one of us really knew what to expect Thursday morning.

After a night of no sleep (for me), no liquids and no food we were off to the hospital.  Where we waited – for hours – be called back for prep.  I have to hand it to the hospital for keeping family members “in the loop”.  My brother was with me until they started to wheel me down the hall to surgery so he was there to meet the surgeon, the surgical nurses, and the anesthesiologist.

Things then became a blur for me until the misery of coming out of anesthesia.  My brother said I was a “wreck” and that is a very true statement.  He left after I passed out into a dead sleep.  The area where they put me is set up specifically for post surgery recovery and early discharge.  It was sooo much better than being on a regular hospital floor.  The same nurse took care of me all night and it was blissfully quiet.

Thankfully, they were able to do the surgery laparoscopically so I only have 6 very small incisions.  It was a huge, huge relief.

I was up and walking before 5 AM on Friday.  True story.  I wouldn’t have believed it could happen without going through it myself.  I was discharged around 10:30 AM and on my way home.  My brother was amazed considering the state I was in when he left late Thursday afternoon.

So the surgery went well and now I have to wait for the results of the lab work on the crap that was removed.  In other words, I’m not out of the woods yet.

My brother went to visit some museums this morning and do some touristy stuff.  I plan to rest and nap all day.  He can’t believe I am up and about and moving around as well as I am.  I can’t either, to be honest.

Thank you for all your positive thoughts and kind words.  It is much easier to go through this knowing people care.

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  1. Kim says:

    Ursula. Darn b**ch!!
    Good news so far. Excellent! Glad the surgery went well. 🙂

  2. Greg Bowling says:

    So glad that you are feeling so well and writing. There is a great deal of positive so far. Keeping you in my thoughts for even more positive outcomes!
    I tried to paste Snoopy doing his “happy dance” in here but, I couldn’t get it to work… Hopefully, you get the sentiment!

    • Pam says:

      Thank you Greg! It means a lot to have so many people pulling for me and sending positive thoughts. Keeping fingers crossed for more positive news next Monday

  3. Gerard says:

    Goodbye Ursula! Here’s hoping she took all her baggage with her!!

    Many positive thoughts!

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