Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

A creative outlet

Written By: Pam - Nov• 08•15


A year ago today, I went to a mosaic art class.  It was something I wanted to do for a while in a vague sense but didn’t realize there were actually classes for this until Google told me so.  It was possible to go on a Friday without having to take vacation day with the way things are set up with my current employer.  That kismet thing again.  Oh, and speaking of kismet.  The store where I took the class was called “Kismet Mosaic”.  Coincidence?

As I said before, I have very little “artistic” talent in the usual sense.  Drawing and painting are definitely out.  I think I’m still traumatized by a drawing class in high school.  Pottery is too expensive and you need too much equipment.  Looked at jewelry making but I hardly ever wear jewelry so it seemed kind of pointless.

I was sort of drawn to mosaic art, not exactly sure why.  Maybe because it doesn’t require perfection or straight lines.  But it’s still hard for a perfectionist (like me) to just let go and create.

The lady who taught the class has since retired so I didn’t have an opportunity to take another class as planned.  If I hadn’t pulled the trigger last November, well, I’d still be looking for a hobby.

The picture up above is of the piece made in class.  It was just a square piece of wood when we started and the design was made with broken tile, broken china, and other odds and ends the lady had in her store.  I can clearly remember saying I didn’t want things to be “even” in the design – no rows or symmetry.  That is hard for a perfectionist to achieve!

The intent was to try more projects to get better but life got in the way.  I did manage to buy a bunch of china at Goodwill and the dollar store which was then smashed to create small colorful pieces to use for….something.

And then a couple of months ago, I started the Great Purge of junk from a spare bedroom and various closets.  In the midst of this, I found a wooden table that hadn’t been used in years and a wooden picture frame and lots of old CD’s.  As in more than 50!  Not only music CD’s (most of those were already taken to Goodwill) but old “learning CD’s” or software CD’s.  The lightbulb went off in my head.

I saw some pictures on Pinterest using cut up old CD’s to make a bird bath.  Hmmmm…..I started with the picture frame:


And then moved on to the table.  I didn’t care for the tan grout which was leftover from the bathroom remodel earlier this year.  I prefer black grout:

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By this point, I was hooked.  Seriously hooked.  Not much skill needed, most of the supplies are relatively inexpensive (or free), and once I start working on a project it brings me totally to the present which reduces anxiety.

During one of my shopping trips to Goodwill, I found a wooden bowl for $2.  There were some dings and chips so I painted it after the mosaic part was done using broken china:

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 But after doing all these projects, I still wanted to use my mom’s buttons to do something.  That was sort of one of the reasons behind the original mosaic class.  Turns out buttons are sort of hard to work with, but I tried!

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Still have many more buttons for other projects.  This mirror/frame was also $2 at Goodwill.  It was originally from Ikea, I wonder if they still sell it?  It is an almost perfect mosaic base to work with.

And then I suddenly had a desire to drink wine. I’m not normally a wine drinker so it was sort of odd but again, that kismet thing.  I looked at the empty wine bottle and thought vase and MOSAIC!

This bottle was just grouted yesterday and was the first piece I did using real mosaic tile and stained glass.  Yes, had to buy the materials.  I kinda like because it’s sort of funky.


Next up will be using some of the shells I collected at the beach a few weeks ago.  In fact, that is what I plan to do right now.  What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

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  1. Kim says:

    You make groovy stuff. I wish I had your skill of going from idea to execution. I think of doing lots of stuff, but never get going. Maybe that’s because I have no passion for anything creative right now. Perhaps that will change now that I’ll have all the extra time on my hands.

    • Pam says:

      The thing I struggle with is getting the final project to look like the idea /vision in my head. Maybe that comes with time, hard to say.

  2. Greg Bowling says:

    Not until last year did I have any real hobby or activity that I became passionate about. I have gotten into swing dancing over the past couple of years. Of course, it’s not a hobby. It’s an activity that I find self expression through. It does make a difference to express myself in some way. It’s pretty good exercise too.

    I would like to find some sort of hobby though. The problem for me usually stems from just not having the patience for what artistic expression requires. I totally get what you are saying about needing to let go of the perfectionism to succeed with art.

    I really like your table. Is that also made from CD’s? It’s really awesome! The bottle is really cool too. I have been saving some bottles and jars. For what, I don’t know. Maybe…

    • Pam says:

      I try, very hard, to not become stuck wanting things to be “perfect”. I lack patience in the planning stage, always have. One of the things I really like about the mosaic thing is that perfection is not required, it’s pretty forgiving. Smashing china and cutting CDs doesn’t take much skill. 😉

      The table is pretty much my favorite project so far! Yup, those are cut up CDs glued to the table with black grout. It turned out more or less like I thought it should but cutting CDs is a lot of work! The bottle was tricky because of the curved surface.

      You might want to look for art classes near where you live. There is an art school in Orlando but the prices of their classes have really gone up over the years. It can be fun to try different stuff just to see what sparks that creative gene.

  3. Larry says:

    HI Pam, Wonderful post. Although, admittedly, my thoughts upon reading it went an entirely different direction.

    Interesting, that in order for a mosaic to be created something else first has to be broken. Something beautiful and wanted created from something broken…

    Just what came to mind.



    • Pam says:

      I was a little concerned which direction your thoughts went….haha

      Interesting perspective. I’d like to think of it as a sort of recycling. I was trying to figure out a way to get rid of the CDs without them ending up in a landfill and that make me search for a creative use. The wine bottle is the only thing made from real mosaic tile and I can see how that would get expensive. In a way, it is far more fun to do the trash to treasure thing. Might be time for another treasure hunt in the thrift store.

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