Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

Living Life on Purpose

Written By: Pam - May• 03•14


 Hill purpose

 I’ve rambled a lot about bucket lists and how I believe in them.  Completely.  Having a list of goals or “dreams” gives your life a purpose.  Your very own purpose, yours and yours alone.

I have struggled throughout my adult years to figure out my passion and purpose in life.   I have long envied those who “found” their passion early in life.  A life without purpose feels empty.

For many years, I drifted through life just reacting to whatever happened.  My friends were getting married and doing all sorts of great things while I sat on the sidelines feeling left out.  If my purpose was to get married and have a family, well, I failed at that years ago.

A funny thing has happened this year, the Bucket List year.   The Fifty for Fifty list has given me a purpose, a list of goals to achieve.  And you know what?  It’s an awesome feeling.   I know it sounds morbid, but I feel like I’m running out of time and that has given me a fierce desire to JUST DO IT.

I am tired of drifting.  Tired of waiting for whatever I think I need to do stuff.  Tired of watching other people do incredible things.

And what’s funny about this adventure is how kismet happens, how things start to fall into place.  How just thinking about the goals opens opportunities to accomplish those goals.  Once things are set in motion, the accomplishment drive and desire becomes like an unstoppable force.  It’s pretty close to amazing.

It’s sort of like Newton’s first law of motion:  “An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.”  

If you’re drifting on the river of life, you will continue to drift until you take hold of the oars and give yourself some direction.

I’m beginning to think my passion and purpose is to live my best life and to inspire others to do the same, regardless of age, income or circumstance.

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