Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

When life throws a curveball

Written By: Pam - Apr• 27•14


It happens to all of us. We have a plan or at least we THINK we have a plan and then it goes sideways.  Sometimes I handle this better than others.

I am an admitted “control freak” who likes to plan.  I like knowing what will happen.  I like knowing where I stand with people.  I just plain like knowing things.  But in this world, it is impossible to always know everything.  It is impossible to always know how things will work out.

So this past week has been a bit of a struggle for reasons I won’t go into here.   There has been a change in plan for the upcoming trip to California.  It’s a change I can’t control and one I didn’t entirely see coming.  Such is life.

There were two ways to react to the change – one meant losing a friendship and more or less ruining a much anticipated trip and the other meant redefining a relationship.  At first I thought I couldn’t handle the curveball, it was more than my spirit could bear.  But then I realized I really hadn’t “lost” anything and choosing to redefine the relationship would be the right option.  Right as in the right thing to do.

Soon after that all gelled in my head, I saw this quote and realized how very true it is.   Life is not about controlling the outcome, it is really about rolling with the punches.  It’s about making the best out of what gets thrown your way.

So things were discussed and worked out.  It’s not what I planned in my head but it’s still all good.

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  1. Gerard says:

    Love the quote. It is so true!

    I’ve handled some of the curveballs better than others… and struck-out on some too. I think I’m learning to handle them better as I get older… and I’m trying to show my daughter how to deal with them so she can cope. I hope it helps her deal with life better than she has been up to this point.

    Have a great trip!

    • Pam says:

      I think it gets easier with age in a way. Or maybe that’s just in my case. It took a long time to get used to change and to roll with the punches. Good for you to teach your daughter this skill. It will serve her well.

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