Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

And back to a better mental place….

Written By: Pam - Mar• 30•14


In a way, I am convinced that we all need to go to a “bad place” mentally every now and again just to remember what it’s like there.   I have to admit that the last funk lasted longer than most in recent memory but that’s ok, too.  Why?  Because now I have a greater appreciation of peace, joy and happiness.  I also have a better understanding of the triggers that seem to send me to that bad place.  And that’s ok, too.

Most of what was upsetting me has been resolved.  There are still financial issues but, meh, those are nothing new and I sort of have a plan to resolve those, too.  Not the best plan but it’s a plan.  Life is too short to spend it worrying about money.  And worrying won’t fix it anyway.

So the quote.  This is actually the quote I was thinking of early last week:


It’s sort of the same as the one at the top, said in a more succinct fashion.  I always liked the quote but hadn’t thought much about it until I realized how dangerous it is to rely on other people for happiness.  Sure, our friends, relatives and acquaintances can make us laugh, smile, and be happy (or the opposite, but I won’t go there) but the true test of happiness is when we don’t RELY on other people to make us feel that way.

Imagine if someone else was always relying on you to make them happy.  How emotionally draining would that be?  And why it is someone else’s responsibility anyway?  We are all responsible for our own sense of peace and happiness.  No one else can do it for us.

Once I wrapped my head around that concept, I started to feel better.  From there, it was only a matter of time until the anxiety and mental distress dissipated.  Oh, and singing helped, too.  Music ALWAYS helps!

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  1. Gerard says:

    Having somebody relying on you for just about anything is emotionally exhausting! Probably one of the reasons my marriage ended… I couldn’t do it anymore.

    Glad to hear you are on the upswing.

    • Pam says:

      I think it might be one of the reasons my mom ended her marriage, too. She was just exhausted.

      I am so very happy to be crawling out of the funk. It’s no fun being there. At all.

  2. LT says:

    Music is the best! I can’t count how many times I sing along to the radio or the iPod at the top of my voice while commuting or on the way to the beach.

    “Key in someone else’s pocket…” Been there; done that. And SHE got the t-shirt. it was a learning experience and most of the time I was happy to learn the lesson, but in the end the relationship didn’t work. My loss and her loss…



    • Pam says:

      You’re back! Yes, music has been a lifesaver in more ways than one. I am loving putting the top down and cranking the radio in the car on the way home…clears the head.

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