Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

Fifty for Fifty

Written By: Pam - Mar• 04•14

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A few months ago, I mentioned the Fifty for Fifty bucket list type thing I decided to do this year in honor of my fiftieth birthday.  Have to say it is probably one of the best things I have ever done.  It has helped keep me focused on the things I want to accomplish – some are small things and some aren’t.  Some will be accomplished and some likely won’t.  It’s all good.

I won’t share the list here because you would likely be bored by reading it.  Much like any “bucket list” everyone has their own list of things they want to accomplish.  There is no right or wrong, well, for the most part.  I suppose you could have an evil list of things to do but we won’t go there.

I will say that I have managed to finally cross two home repair things off the list and finally took the time to visit a local state park that I have been wanting to go to for a few years.  Even took the dog with me on that adventure and he was thrilled to do something new.   In other words, it’s just the beginning of March and few things have already been accomplished.  Love that!

Anyway, one of the other things on the list was to buy a piece of jewelry to somehow celebrate this year and something else to was to be a little extravagant and treat myself to “something”.  A couple of years ago, I looked into getting a Pandora bracelet with all the lovely charms.  It doesn’t take long until it all adds up to way more than I would usually spend on much of anything.

This year will also mark five years since my parents passed away.   After my dad passed away, I decided to treat myself to a necklace with a cross pendant that had five birthstones – and you could choose the stones.  I chose the stone representing my birth month (June) and the birth and death months of my parents (it sounds morbid, I know, but it really isn’t).   It wasn’t expensive but it meant something to me….and then the chain broke and I lost the pendant.  Forever.

Getting to the point now.  I decided to look into a Pandora bracelet as part of the jewelry / extravagant thing and shopped around on Amazon.  I never realized there are thousands and thousands of Pandora type beads and charms to choose from.  The bracelet didn’t work so I switched to a necklace.

I found blingy birthstone beads – from left to right you will see April, May, June, August and November birthstones with other personal beads mixed in (Florida, music, dog paws, a cupcake, flip-flops on a beach, and chocolate flowers).

So I finally have the birthstone thing back again and it is incredibly personal to wear it.  To everyone else, it’s just a bunch of blingy stones on a chain but to me it represents who I am – where I came from and what makes me happy. And that is exactly what Fifty for Fifty is supposed to be all about.

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  1. gumpers62 says:

    It looks great (on you too) and I knew I saw a cupcake on there! I love the idea behind it and all the things it represents… it’s a very personal statement. Keep the fifty for fifty thing going… and us up to speed on how it’s progressing (I love to live my life vicariously through others).

    • Gerard says:

      I just realized it posted from my wordpress account… but it’s still me!

    • Pam says:

      It took me a second to figure out who you were! lol

      Yes, you DID see a cupcake and I was very pleased you did! I’m kind of counting this toward the “do something creative” thing on my list, too. I spent a good bit of time going through all the beads just to find the ones that meant something to me personally. I highly recommend doing a mini bucket list instead of a “resolution” list. This is WAY more fun. 😉

  2. furbal1972 says:



    You need to have a “like” button. lol (You do have a unique configuration compared to the few blogs that I follow here. – Just sayin’.)

    I don’ t give out “likes” easily, I may not have much to say as a response, but I always enjoy reading what you write. 🙂

    I do like your new ‘bling’. 😀 … So I guess that you “speak Pandora”? .. Hmmmm. 😉

    • Pam says:

      Well, you know how I like being unique and all. Have no clue how you would possibly add a “like” button here. But THANK YOU for the like! 😀 I wore the new bling to work today and I had one of the best days that I have had in the past two weeks. Hmmmmm

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