Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

Bucket List Revision for Fifty

Written By: Pam - Dec• 15•13


I seem to have gotten off track for the past few weeks.  Not sure how that happened except things have been busy at work meaning my mind is mostly blank by the time I get home at night.

Anyway, this is generally the time of year I take stock of what I have accomplished over the past year and what I would like to accomplish next year.  Not exactly like New Years Resolutions as much as a review of the past to plan for the future.  And that means, a plan for the year I will turn 50.  It seems so very hard to believe, I can hardly wrap my head around it.

So this past week, I started researching trips to Iceland.  A visit there has been on my Bucket List for years but it seems so very hard to make it happen.  It’s a bit daunting to go there by myself and I haven’t had much luck finding a group tour thing.  My brother wants to go there, too, but he made other plans for next year.

Then it hit me Friday morning – Yosemite National Park is ALSO high up on the Bucket List and I have been wanting to go back to California for a visit for several reasons.   I know someone in Sacramento who I haven’t seen for going on three years.  I also know a bunch of people through work near Los Angeles.  The plan is still forming, but I think I have a tentative plan for the Big Five O.   Very stoked!

And so that led to thoughts about celebrating for the entire year in a way.  Turning 30 was depressing for me.  Turning 40 was better mainly because I was still reveling in the move to Florida.   Turning 50 will NOT be depressing if I can help it!

So I am revising and revisiting the Bucket List to come up with Fifty Things to do When Turning Fifty.  Buying a convertible has already been crossed off the list.  There are only 25 things on the list, still working on the rest.

Some things on the list are small, some are deeply personal, and some are fun.  All can, in some way, be life changing. Just need keep focused on achieving what is important every day.

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  1. Gerard says:

    We all get off track from time to time (I know I do). I don’t really have a bucket list written down anywhere but I do have things I want to do and accomplish before I can’t do them anymore. I guess it’s a mental bucket list more or less. Good luck with the fifty for fifty thing… and on turning fifty… it really doesn’t hurt too much!

    • Pam says:

      If I didn’t write down a list, I’d never remember what I REALLY want to do. It’s actually really cool to look at a list written a year or two ago and realize you have DONE some of the things you want to do. And writing a bucket “to do” list makes it seem more real.

      Hoping to get back on track after Christmas!

  2. Greg says:

    I think “50 things to do when turning 50” is a fabulous idea. It should make it fun. Hopefully, you will have a few things on the list that are truly exciting, exhilarating, a little scary even… (what I mean by scary is something like sky diving or bungee jumping… something that you truly want to do but that might require some nerve). I hope that came out alright and you get my meaning.

    It’s going to happen so, embrace it an enjoy the journey!

    • Pam says:

      I’m really looking forward to a lot of things on the list and so far this year has started out in a great way. I’m not much into the adrenaline junky stuff but I suspect there may be some things that push me out of my comfort zone along the way. This is one of the few years where I am looking FORWARD instead of BACKWARD as the year starts. A nice change

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