Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there


Written By: Pam - Nov• 07•13


One of the reasons I started writing about the whole being single thing was being tired of dealing with all the people who have the audacity to question why I’m still single.  It’s not just one question, it’s when the person starts an interrogation.  I personally think people who get all judgmental about it are freaked out when someone is just different than they are.  But that’s a whole different topic.

I generally pride myself on the ability to come up with a witty comeback in a split second or two.  It’s a gift lol.  But for whatever reason, I stumble when coming up with something besides “Um, because?” when people question why I never got married.  Perhaps it is time to brainstorm answers so my brain will kick into smartass gear faster.

So here we go, potential responses to that hated question:

  • “Because.”  Had to include that one, it’s sort of a catch all response.
  • “Why did you get married?”   Yeah, put THEM on the defensive.
  • “Why did you get divorced?”  Even better!
  • “Why are you short (or tall or bald or whatever)?”  I once was asked by a near stranger why I only have freckles on one leg.  Um, really?  How can a person explain that?  The magic marker ran out of ink after one leg?
  • “I came into this world single, and I plan to leave it that way.”  Meh..kinda bitchy.
  • “Because my mom said I didn’t have to.”  This is actually true.  My mom once told me I was smart for never getting married.  Kind of an unusual statement from someone who was born in the 1940’s and was raised in an era where women were groomed to get married and be a housewife.
  • “I didn’t want to.  Do I have to?”  Not bad….
  • “I never felt the need.”  
  • “I like coloring outside of the lines”.  Oooh…I like that one!
  • “The voices in my head said NO, don’t do it!”  Just seeing if you’re paying attention.  😉
  • “I haven’t been able to find a man who can put up with my idiosyncrasies.” Hmm….that might a bit too close to the truth lol

But the actual REAL answer, the most truthful would be “Because I am perfectly happy with who I am and how I am living my life”.

One of the things I took away from the introvert book which I may have mentioned previously, was how we (meaning me) always feel this need to justify or excuse WHY we do (or don’t do) the things we do.  It’s no one’s business, really, so why do we have to explain anything?

I’m convinced the trick is to state your position with confidence and not invite follow-up questions.  Oh, and this works on the equally annoying question “when are you having children?” or “why didn’t you have children?”.   Try it and let me know how it works for you.

This is going to be my new affirmation.

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  1. furbal1972 says:

    Your experience is much different than mine. People usually tell me that I’m lucky, or (men mainly) say something like “good for you, don’t do it.”

    I do have an answer that’s half truth, half joke too. If they ask “why”, I just say that I couldn’t afford it.

  2. Gerard says:

    “Because I am perfectly happy with who I am and how I am living my life.”

    I like this answer the best because it’s the truth. It’s my life (or yours) and I’m (or you are) living it… not anybody else! Enjoy the life you have chosen, I sure am.

  3. greg says:

    Some of those are hilarious, BTW.

    You and Gerard are right. It is your life. How you live it is up to you. It really is none of anyone’s business but I can see why people might ask from time to time. Your “real” answer is great. It’s simple and very logical. Hard to argue with it.

    I think it would be funny though to have a smart ass come back to the children question, especially. Let me know if you want to brain storm some more. I could really get into it. A few beer’s and a lot of laughs later you might have a few good ones! I’m kinda sick and twisted that way.

    • Pam says:

      Believe it or not, I rarely get the kids question asked probably because people get stuck on the not married thing and forget about kids. lol I’ve been told by my childless married friends that people get hung up on the issue with them.

      I think my proposed response would work for the kids thing, too.

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