Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

A minimalism experiment

Written By: Pam - Nov• 04•13


So I’ve decided to implement my own sort of austerity measures for the month of November.  It is mostly a financial necessity but I’m kind of interested to see if I can make it through the entire month without buying anything other than what is needed to run the house (such a pool chemicals) or needed for food.

It’s kind of interesting how much I don’t pay a lot of attention to the little things that are purchased on a whim.  For example, my iPod earbuds stopped working right so I was thinking of buying new ones instead of using the other set I found in a pile of stuff.  I do have to admit, though, that I have a new pair saved to my Amazon wish list.  Yes, Amazon is my weakness.

If nothing else, it will force me to actually think about something before buying it.  Is it something that is NEEDED or just WANTED?   I think we NEED far less than we think we do.

Wish me luck…I expect to be in withdrawal by next weekend.  lol

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  1. Gerard says:

    Good luck! I’ve done the minimalist thing before (mostly due to monetary issues of my own). It is amazing how much whim buying one can do without even being aware of it… and I have a few pair of extra earbuds if you need a pair to get you through.

    • Pam says:

      I suppose saying it is a minimalist experiment sounds better than cutting back on spending because I am poor. lol But yes, the awareness thing is key. The other thing I need to do is finish clearing out some clutter to drop off at Goodwill. If you lived closer, I’d take you up on the earbud offer!

  2. Greg says:

    Interested in hearing how this turns out. I am sort of letting you be my “laboratory for minimalism research”, for lack of a better term. I am going to have to do some considerable downsizing if I am to pursue my current plans and your experience will be valuable to me. Don’t you just love being used?

    • Pam says:

      Ha! I get used a lot so it’s not that unusual. lol It’s more of a mental challenge than anything else. The earbuds thing will wait – decided to put them on my Christmas list. Last night I decided I should try doing some yoga at home. There are likely freebie yoga videos I can use via amazon and the kindle but, OMG, I NEED to have a yoga mat! Nope, will figure something out for that, too. The decluttering will continue over the long Thanksgiving weekend.

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