Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

Why are you single?

Written By: Pam - Oct• 26•13

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Otherwise known as “What is WRONG with you?”  Ah, so much to write about this topic, will have to break it down into pieces.

This is probably my #1 hated question to be asked.  Number 2 hated question is “what do you like to do for fun?” but that will have to wait until a later post.   I doubt there is a really good answer to WHY we are the way we are.  It just is.

So anyway, I was puttering around on a news site yesterday at work and I saw a link to an article or blog post or whatever. Yeah, I know, but I was taking a break.  It was titled something like the Reasons You are Still Singled.  Still.  STILL.  Of course it pissed me off to go look, just like driving by a car wreck on the interstate.

Turns out I am STILL single because – are you ready? – I am too darn picky and I don’t let my friends set me up on dates and I am a poor communicator.  Sucks to be me, doesn’t it?

About the picky thing, well, so what?  The “article” said I should just downgrade what I’m looking for so I don’t miss out on some “genuine connections”.  Oh, and “opposites attract” so I should have less than five items on my deal breaker list.  Really.

My thought about pickiness is this.  I am allowed to be picky about the food I eat, the car I buy, and the clothes I buy but I shouldn’t be picky about the person I will (theoretically) spend the rest of my life with (theoretically).  Think about it.  Why should I be any LESS picky about someone who will share space with me every day.   I think some people should be (or should have been) pickier and they would be in less of a life mess than they are.  Just one person’s opinion.

I tried to find the article again last night but couldn’t and instead ended up finding another what’s wrong with you because you are single article written by this guy.  A married guy.  A married guy who claims he is a dating coach.  What? I suppose he was so great at dating that he got married and now he’s some sort of expert.  Or maybe you can call  yourself an expert at anything and get away with it online.

So the married dating coach essentially told me I was too picky (again) and that I needed to get out of the house and that I needed to find someone other than who I had been looking for before.  In other words, I am a poor chooser looking for a needle in the haystack while sitting at home.

Does anyone actually go see a dating coach? How exactly does that work?  Does he go on dates with you?  Do you have a “time out” during a date to discuss strategy?  I’d really like to know.  Last I heard, a “date” was just two people doing something together, nothing more and nothing less. But what do I know, I’m STILL single.

So why am I single?  Because I want to be.  Because it suits me.  Because I am happy this way.  Because it is really none of your damn business.

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  1. Gerard says:

    I’m not married (anymore!) but I guess I’m not technically single either. I am in a committed relationship… and have been for a few years now… but see nothing wrong with being single. There are days I wish I was living alone and that is why the GF has a brand new studio in the yard to run away to when we need our space. We get along because we can look at each other and tell them to get lost… it’s working for us!

    As far as others are concerned… do what works for you. We are all individuals but society wants to bunch us into life-long couples. That works for some but as evidenced by the divorce rate it doesn’t work for all of us… and it’s not just because we are bad choosers!

    I’m glad you are the way you are and now I’ll get my nose out of your business. Have a great day!

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