Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

The negativity factor

Written By: Pam - Oct• 22•13


Here’s some not so shocking news – we live in a fairly negative focused world, probably more than we realize and appreciate.  “News” is now presented in a way that is supposed to shock and anger us.  That’s what gets the ratings.  And the twitter re-tweets or whatever it’s called.   And usually the most comments on Facebook posts.

Day in and day out we are bombarded with negative thoughts, images, and news bites.  Every.Single.Day.  It’s to the point we have grown numb to it and expect it.  If nothing “bad” is happening we think the media is hiding something from us.

Don’t you agree that maybe, just maybe, all this negativity is dragging us all down?  Making us feel more stressed out? Making people angry and bitter?  Making some folks feel hopeless and depressed?

I will admit that I am not always the most positive, upbeat person in the world.  My job is stressful and filled with angry people.  I see the nefarious side of human beings most people don’t get to see.  It’s not pretty, let me tell you.  Perhaps that’s why I find all the random unnecessary complaining, bitching and moaning  in my non work hours petty and irritating.

It’s not that I don’t care about world peace, the homeless, the poor, abandoned animals, or any other bad thing it’s just that I don’t want to internalize the angst that can’t be solved by ME alone.   And it’s not that I think life is all rainbows and sunshine because it certainly isn’t.  I just believe there are so many good things that get lost in the hype.

Which would you rather be around?  Someone who constantly complains about just about everything or someone who finds a positive spin and a silver lining?   The next time you are around a negative person, take a minute to reflect how you feel about life.  It sucks for a few moments, doesn’t it?  Now how does that compare to when you are around someone who is basically happy?  Life feels pretty darn good, doesn’t it?

It makes me wonder what everyone is getting out of spreading negativity.  Does it make them feel better?  I doubt it.  Do they think it will actually change anything?  Really?  All it does is spread anxiety from one person to another.  It does exactly nothing else.  It’s just not healthy – mentally or physically – to always be angry or anxious.  It wears down your immune system and makes you feel exhausted.

The only way you can CHANGE something is by actually taking ACTION.   If you want to right a wrong, then take some action – get into politics (only if you have the stomach for it lol), volunteer, raise money for a cause, start a petition – do something other than repost a picture on Facebook.  Please.

We only live one life.  Choose to be around people who are good for the soul, limit your time with those who are toxic.   Limit your exposure to hyped up “news” and choose a more balanced way to stay informed.  Find and focus on positive, feel good events and images.  You will feel happier and healthier.  I promise.


You feel better now, don’t you?

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  1. Gerard says:

    I so agree that negativity… and negative people take the fun out of life. I have negative relatives that I just can’t stand to be around… they bring down the mood of everybody and everything. I also work with negative people… it makes the workday long and ugly!

    The picture really does make me feel better! Having the real thing in my life has also been very upbeat and up-lifting. The dogs ALWAYS have a “so happy you are home” attitude waiting for us when we get home from a long day at work! The picture reminds me of them… thanks!

    • Pam says:

      You know, I think there are people who just don’t realize how they are – they get so used to a certain attitude and then get stuck in that rut. There is a Negative Ninny at the company next door on our floor and I find myself avoiding HER and I don’t even know her name!

      Doncha love that pic? it makes me smile every time I see it. If only we could live our lives like dogs

      PS Glad to see you back again! Hope everything is well in your world. 🙂

      • Gerard says:

        I have been on a bit of a self-imposed hiatus. Getting all ducks in a row as the saying goes. Plan on stopping by a little more often now that I’m back! My world is well… thanks!

  2. Greg says:

    Yes, I agree. Several years ago I stopped watching the evening news for this very reason and never looked back. I am much happier and in general and have a more positive outlook on life without knowing what someone else thinks I should know. I search out the news I am interested in on the web where its easier to get all sides.

    I like your action statements too! It is empowering to take action rather than complain or worry.

    Yes, I definitely feel a lot better, thanks!

    • Pam says:

      Totally agree about the news. I like reading the paper because I can pick and choose what I want to read AND there is no one getting all hyper and blowing things out of proportion.

      The thing about the action statements is this – there ARE things that are not right with the world but bitching to each other won’t solve anything, so if you want to take the time to complain why not use that time more effectively to try to SOLVE what you are complaining about?

      Ok, enough bitching. lol

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