Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

The demands of life…

Written By: Pam - Oct• 04•13

Or maybe this is about the pace of life, I’m not really sure.  How do we end up with days that seem to spin out of control with time just flying by?

My day job is fast paced and fairly intense most of the time.  There are deadlines that are not under my control with serious ramifications if they are missed or ignored.  It’s exhausting to spend nearly every day on “urgent alert”.   And no, this is not something that I can change.

After dealing with all the urgency at work, I come home and have all the house stuff to deal with.  When you’re single, there is no one else to pick up ANY of the slack.  There is no sharing of work.  There is no backup.  I have often said that I don’t know how single parents do it on their own – they have my utmost respect.

Some days I just want to pack it in figuring it has to be easier to just accept what is and not want to make things better.  My parents lived like that – they got up, went to work, came home and then did it all again the next day.   Is that giving up or giving in?

Every now and again, I think I need to move something off the plate of responsibility.  It’s one of the reasons I take a break from singing in a local community choir.  While I enjoy doing it, making time for rehearsals and such is one extra thing on the plate that has so little room for extras.

This is not meant to be a bummer of a post, it really isn’t.  I am trying to find balance between multiple projects.  I had truly intended to write something meaningful after getting back from Colorado but I am feeling all out of synch.

Tomorrow is another day….


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  1. Greg says:

    For what its worth couples have issues with getting things done too. Yes, there is someone to divide the work with but there are always times when neither want to do anything productive. Sometimes with good reason and sometimes not.

    I too admire the single parent… its hard enough with two! It certainly is not for lazy people!

    • Pam says:

      Well, if TWO people can’t get all the stuff done imagine how much harder it is for ONE person. lol Admittedly, part of it is my problem and how I structure the week. I do almost all the meal prepping for the week on a Sunday. It’s great for the rest of the week but can take up a bunch of time on a Sunday when I’d rather be doing nothing at all.

      • Greg says:

        I was not going to say this but, its easier taking care of your own mess than it is taking care of another persons mess and yours. Two get the job done quickly but it rarely works out like that and two make a bigger mess also (truthfully not double though, I’ll admit)

        These days, I am thinking of just not eating… its too much trouble.

        • Pam says:

          While that is true, the grass grows the same for one person as it does for two. The home repairs are the same for one as for two. The car still needs gas, groceries need to be bought, and laundry needs to get done. Wasn’t really talking about “messes”.

          And yeah, if I could live without eating, I’d be all over it. Unfortunately, if I don’t eat “healthy” I gain weight. Sucks

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