Twisted Kismet

The sometimes crazy road from here to there

The Why of it All

Written By: Pam - Sep• 01•13


I’ll start off with an apology of sorts….I am still trying to find my “blog voice” here.   Please stick with me, it won’t take long.  Promise.

So I sort of gave you a background on how I settled on the name “twisted kismet” and now it might help to hear part of the rest of the story (bonus points if you know who made that line famous).  Or at least maybe what I hope to accomplish here. It’s still sort of a work in progress but that’s ok, too.

There are various situations that occur throughout our lives that turn out to be “life changing” events.  Sometimes it is evident right away (like the birth of a child) other times it just sorta sneaks up on you; a gradual transformation.

While most of what happened to me in early adulthood shaped who I am today, moving to Florida just over twelve years ago turned out to be a gradual life changing transformation for me.  In the literal sense the climate, pace of life, and living space is completely different from Pennsylvania.  I joked that I finally bought a “big girl” house as part of the move.  No more attached living space for me!

Looking back on it now, I can see how much my life has changed in the spiritual sense as well.  It was like when I finally got away from all the things in the past that had been dragging me down, I finally allowed myself to just be me.  I finally felt like I fit in somewhere.

The other life transformation was the death of my parents in 2009.  It was an odd year, not necessarily all bad, but odd.  So many things were happening personally and professionally that the year flew by.  I learned so much about myself, family, friends, and just life in general that year.  It’s just hard to explain.  Words like patience, compromise, grace, compassion and grief don’t really sum it up.

It sort of all started when my mom was diagnosed with colon cancer in late 2007.  That’s what it took for my brother and I to realize the time is NOW to do the things you want to do.  NOW, not retirement.  Not someday.  Not maybe if I find someone to do it with me.  Now.

It also drove home the point that it matters far more HOW we live our lives.  Are we being true to ourselves?  Are we making a difference to someone?

Finally, I realized it just does not matter what we accumulate in terms of possessions.   When faced with the realities of life, it’s just stuff.  Sometimes there is sentimental value attached but it is still just stuff.  Working and a career is now more of a means to an end for me and not the end itself.

So, what does all this mean?  Damn if I know.  lol  Oh, I do know, hang on….lost my train of thought for a minute.  These are the events that brought me to where I am now.  Trying to live out the Bucket List.  Yes, you will see posts about the Bucket List here.

You will also read about being true to yourself and at least trying to live your best life.

You will read about a new interest of mine – the minimalist lifestyle.  Have to admit that one came from left field but have to say it is rather intriguing.  There is something to be said for simplifying your lifestyle and surroundings.

And, finally, you will read my thoughts on being single in what is otherwise a couples oriented world.  That topic is actually what started the thought process behind this entire blog but I am about way more than being single.   So much more that you might see other topics sprinkled in there like travel and photography.

You just never know.


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  1. Greg says:

    I look forward to reading what you choose to write about. I am particularly interested in what you have to say about being single. I think there are a lot of people who do need to realize its OK to be a single person. Marriage, after all, is not for the faint of heart. Who knows you might start a whole new movement of confidently single people that don’t find it so compelling to marry just because everyone else is doing it.

    It was Walter Cronkite.

    • Pam says:

      Start a movement? LOL Not quite sure I have that much influence. I am always surprised, irritated and /or amused when married people get that horrified look on their face when they say “but I don’t want to be ALONE!”. Like being single is a fate worse than, well, marriage. Ok, so that was a bit facetious. But still, we were all single at one point in our lives, was it really all that bad? Or do you just need a reminder? But now I have a topic for the next post. 😉

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